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Rising Above The Fake News

High profile, large controversies surrounding the US election and the Grenfell Tower Tragedy have bought the impact of Fake News to the forefront of many people’s minds and now platforms like Facebook are hastily working to try and prevent the virality of fake news stories however they are yet to have much success in doing so. It’s not just politicians and journalists that have been hit hard by the headlines, Starbucks was recently targeted with a hoax whereby tweets were sent out advertising a so called ‘Dreamer Day’. In this hoax the coffee chain said it would supposedly give out free drinks to any undocumented migrant in the US… With careful usage of the company’s logo, signature font and images of their well-known drinks the thread spread at lightning speed and left Starbucks in an understandably sticky situation trying to quaff the rumours.


So, where does this leave publishers and writers?


With the constantly changing landscape of journalism and marketing it can be hard for an individual or organisation to find their feet at the best of times, let alone at a time where every piece of content created is met with a certain scrutiny and questioning. So here’s some tips on how to rise your proverbial head above the fake news debacle…


Whilst fake news will always exist in some form or another you don’t have to be a victim to it’s plight. If you would like a little help in creating reputable, quality content that your audience will love, give us a shout.

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