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5 Tips to Upgrade Your Content Marketing

Content marketing simply refers to the marketing content your company puts out designed to attract your desired audience. Here are our five top tips on how to make your content the best it can possibly be.

1. Understand your audience

Before you do anything, make sure you know 100% who you’re trying to target. This will inform everything you do – from the very style you write in to what platforms you use the most. If you don’t start out with a clear demographic in mind, your content will be disjointed and may not appeal to those inclined to buy your products or use your service.

2. Make it fun, fun, fun

One of the best ways to engage your audience, whatever their demographic may be, is to appeal to them with humour. Using humour in your content marketing can make you seem like less of a corporate business and more of a relatable entity that people can connect with.

3. Use video

Video is a huge medium for marketing at the moment. This is mostly thanks to Google’s transformation of YouTube into a global platform over the last ten years. You can use YouTube to upload your marketing videos, and you don’t have to break the bank doing so.

Even simple low-budget instructional or how-to videos can garner views and increase your audience.

There has also been an explosion in the use of video livestreams. If you haven’t heard of Periscope or even Facebook live, it might be worth doing some investigating and mastering the basics. Livestreaming gives you an opportunity to connect with your audience in real time, and even give them a glimpse behind the scenes of the business.

4. Think local

Did you know that making your content local can be more of an advantage than making it completely unique? You can start to make your content marketing more local by including local information in your blog posts and other copy. You should also make sure to monitor and update your profiles on local directories.

5. Add value

Everything you show to the world should have some sort of value to your audience and potential customers. Before you publish anything, make sure you ask yourself a set of simple questions like ‘What will my audience gain from this? Will they find it entertaining or informational?’.

So, there you have it – our top five tips to upgrade your content marketing! Which of these tips did you find most useful? Let us know!